Πέμπτη 14 Ιουνίου 2012

The Internet and Higher Education

The Internet and Higher Education

  Vol. 15, n°3, juin 2012

  Emotions in online learning environments

  • Emotions in online learning environments: Introduction to the special issue, Anthony R. Artino
  • Regulating interest when learning online: Potential motivation and performance trade-offs, Carol Sansone, Jessi L. Smith, Dustin B. Thoman, Atara MacNamara
  • The role of emotion in the learning process: Comparisons between online and face-to-face learning settings, Gwen C. Marchand, Antonio P. Gutierrez
  • How achievement emotions impact students' decisions for online learning, and what precedes those emotions Dirk T. Tempelaar, Alexandra Niculescu, Bart Rienties, Wim H. Gijselaers, Bas Giesbers
  • Exploring the complex relations between achievement emotions and self-regulated learning behaviors in online learning, Anthony R. Artino, Kenneth D. Jones
  • The role of emotions and task significance in Virtual Education, Gwen Noteborn, Katerina Bohle Carbonell, Amber Dailey-Hebert, Wim Gijselaers
  • Confusion and complex learning during interactions with computer learning environments, Blair Lehman, Sidney D'Mello, Art Graesser
  • Improving online social presence through asynchronous video, Jered Borup, Richard E. West, Charles R. Graham
  • Experiences of instructors in online learning environments: Identifying and regulating emotions, Kelley Regan, Anna Evmenova, Pam Baker, Marci Kinas Jerome, Vicky Spencer, Holly Lawson, Terry Werner
  • The jury is still out: Psychoemotional support in peer e-mentoring for transition to university, Angelica Risquez, Marife Sanchez-Garcia
  • Not that different in theory: Discussing the control-value theory of emotions in online learning environments, Lia M. Daniels, Robert H. Stupnisky

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